Category: Lies About Trump
Ratty Ann Telnaes – Washington Post Ratoonist
Socialists generate lies and insults to defame their enemies using a method enshrined by Adolph Hitler’s propaganda minister, Joseph Goebbels. In 1940 he ordered the propaganda film Der ewige Jude (The Eternal Jew) to be made. The preposterous flop was a collection of lies and myths made by National Socialists…
2016-2020 Civil War – Why Martial Law is Crucial
I have defended Donald Trump since he first announced his candidacy for President against the Mount Everest-sized tsunami of lies launched at him by Democrats and their allies, the CCP, Fake News, Fake Colleges, and Fake Movies. I predicted his win seven and a half months before election day, 2016,…
Humans 1.0, Traffic Lights, & How Lefties Steal Elections
Five groups need to read this article: voters, reporters, public servants, students, and parents. Who knows, it could change your life, either now or sometime in the future. Modern humans are a subspecies of Homo sapiens, called Homo sapiens sapiens, and have not changed genetically for tens of thousands of…
US Election Taken Over by Monty Python’s Flying Circus
In what can only be described as a Monty Python sketch, President Trump’s 2020 Presidential Election victory has been shut down by The Colonel and Ministry of Silly Walks for being “too honest, too long, and too silly.” President Donald Trump won the 2020 Presidential Election convincingly, but Democrats and…
The Democrat Party is a Dead Man Walking
If a typical politician were POTUS during this United States presidential election, they would have conceded to the Left today because most are slaves to Fake News. In a custom going back decades, politicians are told who wins such elections by the media and are meant to obey. A Mitt…
Don’t Bring a Camel to a Horse Race
America was a much better place before schools convinced white boys they were greedy, racist, sexist, homophobic, selfish, polluting, and trigger-happy. When teachers weren’t scolding them for being white or heterosexual, they admonished America’s youth for destroying the planet. Hollywood painted a future world as radioactive wastelands or empires run…
Why the Left Will Lose this Election
Big Tech despots like Sergey Brin, Mark Zuckerberg, and Jack Dorsey were thoroughly brainwashed in high school and college to be far Left fanatics. Most of their knowledge regarding computer coding, internet technology, and software was gained privately, in their bedrooms or basements. Learning how to hack and innovate in…
Pulitzer Prize Propagandists Lie about Trump’s Taxes
Far Left propagandists at the New York Times were at it again last week, implying President Trump was paying little or no taxes. They cooked up a similar hit job two years ago, before Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation as a Supreme Court justice, and the mid-term elections. Two of the apparatchiks…
Meathead Rob Reiner’s Lifelong Jinx
Rob Reiner, or Meathead, as millions of Americans call him, recently passed his seventy-third birthday, yet even as a senior citizen, he devotes much of his time denouncing President Donald Trump. It is part of an ongoing battle Reiner has fought with conservatives for over half a century, but someone…
Why Did John Cusack Lie About President Trump?
In great news for the world, a recent French study (backup here) on Hydroxychloroquine as a treatment of COVID-19 showed it deleted viral load in COVID-19 patients, especially when reinforced by azithromycin. The results were very encouraging and highly successful. During a Coronavirus Task Force briefing at the White House…
How Lefties Cause the Worst Wildfires
The Left cause many terrible bush and forest wildfires in the US and Australia. Democrats, Labor Parties, Environmentalists, Fake News, college propaganda, Golden Globe Greenies, and Hollywood socialists all play a role. For decades the Left has sabotaged citizen and State efforts to minimize fire by maintaining controlled bush and…
Snarling Ron Howard Comes Out of his Shell
If you look at Ron Howard when he is snarling, you can see the socialist German in him. The 65-year-old actor/director’s first significant acting role was that of young Opie Taylor in The Andy Griffith Show, which aired from 1960 to 1968. Millions of Americans loved little Opie, the all-American…
Destroying Education – Democrats’ Fatal Mistake
What goes around comes around, and that is the lesson for Nancy Pelosi, Adam Schiff, and Jerry Nadler, who, in their younger years, encouraged Lefties to take over education. At the time, in their thirties, they would have seen nothing wrong with dumbing down students. Replacing English grammar, American history,…
Joy Behar Lies about Trump Family
If ever someone had the wrong nickname, it was Josephine Occhiuto, who calls herself ‘Joy.’ She and her husband, Joe Behar, divorced in 1981. Though she married Steve Janowitz in 2011, she continued to use her first husband’s surname with ‘Joy’ stuck in front. Her Italian parents, Gino and Rose…
Calling All Trumps to Bag the Schiff
If you throw enough Schiff, some of it will stick, Democrats hope, but bug-eyed Adam Schiff dribbles off Teflon-coated Trump, like water off a duck’s back. A puddle forms on the ground at Trump’s feet, which the POTUS gingerly steps over, while tweeting. As desperate Democrats demonize Trump with thin…
Washed Up Psychos & the Aging DNC
Trump recently called Bette Midler a ‘washed up psycho’ in reply to her trolling, and this also describes many DNC leaders today. Young Lefties must wonder why there are so many old curmudgeons in top positions. In the past, such people retired by their sixties, but today’s gaggle of geezers…
Why Do Mooches Happen?
When Anthony Scaramucci talks, he sounds like a mafioso, which is not surprising since he was born into an Italian/American family in New York, and his father, Alexander, was a construction worker. What would such a man want for his son? To follow in his footsteps? No, Alexander would prefer…
Manifesto Murderbrats are Left Winged – Here is the Proof
Before he murdered Walmart shoppers in El Paso, Texas, the alleged shooter uploaded a manifesto for all to read. CNN and most media branded him a right-winged nationalist, which is Fake News. He is a left-winged environmentalist socialist, and I provide proof of that below. See Patrick Crusius’ PDF here,…
Embarrassed Trump-Hating Left Change “Liar” to “Racist” in Desperation
When Donald Trump launched his 2016 presidential campaign on June 2015, Fake News and the Democrats began attacking him from all sides, accusing him of anything and everything they could dream up. No old wives’ tale was rejected. Any twisted misinformation would do. The DNC and their propaganda department –…
The totally obvious reason why Chris Cillizza should start a Pizza Shop
CNN’s Editor-at-large is still at large and wanted by small-minded but ambitious people everywhere, who want to know how to become an editor like him. Thrice before I have pointed out Cillizza’s failings, but it seems to have only spurred him on to behave even more irrationally. His latest effort…
Seth Meyers, Stephen Colbert – the Fourth Reich?
Conservatives find certain characters naturally repulsive, and these include, but are not limited to, creeping Jesuses like Seth Meyers, Stephen Colbert, Bill Maher, John Oliver, and Rachel Maddow. The average celebrity Lefty is pretty awful, but the above-mentioned have a penchant for sneering that curls wallpaper and makes beer go…
Trump’s Use of ‘Nasty’ and How Politico Lied
In articles about President Trump Fake News usually make a few mistakes, but Quint Forgey from Politico must be trying to break the record. Worse still, he sneers like the SS‑doctor who found fleas on Auschwitz inmates. In this Politico piece, Forgey begins with the fake headline: “Nasty” debate erupts…
Jail For Robert Mueller?
President Donald Trump described Robert Mueller as a totally conflicted ‘Never Trumper’ who was angry after being refused a job as FBI Director. That would be a prime motive for Mueller to seek revenge and after being appointed ‘Special Prosecutor’ by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, he began an oft-described…
Wild Eyed Lefties Rev Up War of Lies against Trump
The media is still out of control and fuming over the election results from 2016. When Attorney General William Barr made it clear he would pursue all those responsible for the Russian Nothingburger, Fake News was stirred up like a hornets’ nest. Like a scurvy mob of pretend-pirates, it was…
Disintegrating Nancy Pelosi
According to President Donald Trump, seventy-nine-year-old Nancy Pelosi is disintegrating, and as usual, he is right. The woman can barely talk legibly nowadays. Fake News keep this from the public as Pravda did when Soviet leaders began to deteriorate. Sources believe she conceals her wrinkles with facelifts and thick makeup…
Why is CNN’s Erin Burnett So Bad Mannered?
Donald Trump’s mother, Mary Anne MacLeod, was a Scottish Presbyterian, like her parents and grandparents. She married Fred Trump, an American with German Lutheran ancestry. They were both raised with the Protestant work ethic, which they handed on to Donald. His Scottish mother also taught him the importance of good…
Washington Post Trolls Break World Stupidity Record
Brian Klaas slanders Donald Trump endlessly on Twitter. He is a London troll – an ugly version of Rupert Grint playing a heroin addict with scurvy and dermatitis. He also writes for The Washington Post, re-hashing lies fabricated by Fake News ad nauseam. Klaas poses like a schoolboy saving…
CNN’s Fake Hysterics Over Trump’s Tax Returns
Kate Bolduan of CNN was up to her usual tricks on Wednesday, spraying Fake News and Trump Derangement Syndrome at the TV cameras. She attacked Trump on several issues, and then said the following: Transcript: This is a President who hides his tax returns, doesn’t release them at least, Whitehouse…
Russianburger Exposed, Fake News Change the Subject
Since the ‘Russianburger’ was uncovered as a fraud by Mueller himself, embarrassed Fake News are trying to change the subject. Following some hysteric comments about Mueller letting them down, they went back to their default Trump Bashing routine. Take Newsweek, for example, which accused Trump of being a golf cheat…
Misreporting from CNN’s Cillizza
Although it appears Chris Cillizza has a problem with English, he is an editor-at-large in far-left CNN. Perhaps a better title might be NPC-at-large. Why is he at large anyway? Many would say lock the guy up and throw away the key. The subtleties of our language are difficult for some,…