Posted in Cartoon Strip LeftyLiars Limo Libs The Swamp

LeftyLiars Cartoon Strip

On August 16, 2024, I began the cartoon strip LeftyLiars, focusing on Kamala Harris leading up to the 2024 United States Presidential Election. I can only publish it on X and here since it would be banned on all other platforms or media. Here are the first 32 strips from August…

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Hey Hey Ho Ho
Posted in Racism The Swamp

Hey Hey Ho Ho – Racist Democrat Chant

You have doubtless heard the Democrats’ favorite chant, “Hey, Hey, Ho Ho,” whenever one of their terrorist groups, from BLM to Antifa, demonstrate and protest. In many far-Left political events, thugs repeatedly chant this while vandalizing, destroying, burning property, and attacking innocent bystanders. Hey, Hey, Ho, Ho! (Person/thing) has to…

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Posted in Cultural Invasion First Amendment Auditors The Swamp

The Unseen Super Union of Public Servants

There was a time when public servants typically worked in separate fields, with minimal interaction outside of their required duties. They treated each person impartially; corruption was rare, and professionalism was the norm. Police would attend each call promptly as they came in, usually without bias. Judges were mostly free…

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Monkey Trap – Republicans and their peanuts; guns and abortion
Posted in Cultural Invasion The Swamp War

How to Repair the GOP and Win in 2024

The United States is having an emergency, and when emergencies occur, we suspend normal behavior. Society expects many customs to be halted during disasters, and the disaster began when Democrats stole the election in 2020. To neutralize the danger, Republicans must respond unusually and put the rulebook aside. Democrats will…

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something is missing from the news
Posted in Limo Libs The Swamp

Something is Missing from the News

Who wants to see Joe Biden’s dried-up, mummified grimace? Nobody. Who wants to hear runty Kamala Harris laughing hysterically, or watch feeble Pelosi’s masked highwayman skull? Nobody. Donald Trump is missing. News is dead. Talking heads must come up with something to yap about each day, but it’s all quite…

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Biden's hairs stand up for women
Posted in Biology Feminazis The Swamp

Women Are Now Equal To Men

Feminists have been telling us that women are equal to men for more than a century and that they can do anything men can do and do better. “Men are inferior,” they insisted. “Women are superior! Women don’t create war! Women don’t murder! Only men mistreat children!”   Feminists and…

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Butt-hurt Democrats
Posted in Fake News The Swamp War

Butt-hurt Democrats

On the last day of the Trump administration, Tucker Carlson pointed out that since Democrats won everything they wanted, surely they should be celebrating. Instead, they are angry and vengeful. Tucker said: If you [have] made hating Donald Trump the very center of your life, this has got to be…

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Twitter Vulture
Posted in Cultural Invasion Limo Libs The Swamp War

America – This IS what you Are

One of my favorite people, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, gave an excellent address on Voice of America yesterday. He bravely spoke of censorship, wokeness, political correctness, and how they all lead to “authoritarianism cloaked as moral righteousness.” After he pointed out this was happening with Twitter, Facebook, Apple, and…

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Raphael Warnock cartoon
Posted in Limo Libs Racism The Swamp

Racist Raphael Warnock – Ugly Inside and Out

Raphael Gamaliel Warnock needed three things to succeed: a nice suit, a B.A. in psychology, and great acting ability. The Democrat preacher is not only bone ugly; he is repellent spiritually, politically, ethically, and economically. It explains why, as his ex-wife likes to say, Warnock is a great actor. He…

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Don and Abe discuss Martial Law
Posted in Cultural Invasion Lies About Trump The Swamp War

2016-2020 Civil War – Why Martial Law is Crucial

I have defended Donald Trump since he first announced his candidacy for President against the Mount Everest-sized tsunami of lies launched at him by Democrats and their allies, the CCP, Fake News, Fake Colleges, and Fake Movies. I predicted his win seven and a half months before election day, 2016,…

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2020 Stolen Election
Posted in The Swamp

Socialist Losers Steal 2020 Election

Conservatives everywhere shake their heads in disbelief at the antics of the Left, which they find bewildering. Meanwhile, Lefties glow with confidence, driven by a fervent ideology planted in their brains by teachers from elementary school to college. With militant fanaticism, they transform today’s children into racist, genderless doomsters who…

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Judge Emmet G. Sullivan
Posted in Limo Libs The Swamp

Beatnik Judge Sullivan Kicks Flynn One Last Time

President Trump recently pardoned former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn, the victim of sabotage and witch-hunts by Democrats for the last five years. The pardon meant that a federal judge, Emmet Gael Sullivan, had to end his case against Flynn. Sullivan, a Trump hater, was appointed by Bill Clinton in…

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The Ministry of silly elections
Posted in Lies About Trump The Swamp

US Election Taken Over by Monty Python’s Flying Circus

In what can only be described as a Monty Python sketch, President Trump’s 2020 Presidential Election victory has been shut down by The Colonel and Ministry of Silly Walks for being “too honest, too long, and too silly.” President Donald Trump won the 2020 Presidential Election convincingly, but Democrats and…

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Democrats Dead Man Walking
Posted in Lies About Trump The Swamp War

The Democrat Party is a Dead Man Walking

If a typical politician were POTUS during this United States presidential election, they would have conceded to the Left today because most are slaves to Fake News. In a custom going back decades, politicians are told who wins such elections by the media and are meant to obey. A Mitt…

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kamala harris explains marxism
Posted in Feminazis Myths Racism The Swamp

How Marxists Like Kamala Harris Persuade Today’s Youth

Kamala Harris promoted Socialist ideology yesterday, just one day before a Presidential Election. She published a video on Twitter, which she voiced over, explaining how socialism works, in a way designed to trick younger people into accepting a big fat lie. Please watch the video she tweeted here, and should…

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Hunter Biden Meth Teeth
Posted in Limo Libs The Swamp

Build Back Better – the Great Marxist Reset

Joe Biden’s campaign motto, Build Back Better, has been used by many Champagne Socialists (Limo Libs), including Bill Clinton. The words are Far-Left Code for The Great Marxist Reset, featuring global warming, carbon taxes, redistribution of global wealth, anti-capitalism, and pro-China expansion. Donald Trump has often praised outsiders like Rowan…

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If the Demonrats win
Posted in Feminazis Lies About Trump The Swamp

Don’t Bring a Camel to a Horse Race

America was a much better place before schools convinced white boys they were greedy, racist, sexist, homophobic, selfish, polluting, and trigger-happy. When teachers weren’t scolding them for being white or heterosexual, they admonished America’s youth for destroying the planet. Hollywood painted a future world as radioactive wastelands or empires run…

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Posted in Biology Myths The Swamp


Much panic over the COVID-19 pandemic exists, partly caused by government bureaucrats, media, and even medical folk. Communists and Fake News are the worst offenders, but good guys are also making mistakes and spreading misinformation. Though many are bewildered, frightened, losing sleep, or sinking into depression, there are reasons to…

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Socialists Hate Jews
Posted in Fake News Leftist DNA Myths Racism The Swamp

Why the Left is Antisemitic

Magicians use sexy assistants dressed in glittering bikinis to take your eye off the ball, which they palm: palming means concealing or hiding, or sleight of hand. Sleight means deceitful craftiness. When cardsharps or illusionists use deceitful craftiness in palming cards, coins, balls, handkerchiefs, and the like, you are not supposed…

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Chis Christie's world
Posted in Fake News Lies About Trump Myths The Swamp

Ronald Reagan DID Want a Fence. Fake News Lied Again.

Democrats worked hard all through 2018 to besmirch President Trump, and they continue breathlessly to the very end. Each day brings another flurry of accusations and poutrage. Eight days ago, Donald Trump tweeted that even President Reagan had tried for years to build a border wall or fence, and could…

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Marc Suckerburg Fakechook
Posted in Fake News Limo Libs The Swamp

Fake Chooks and Bawling Billionaires

By the time entrepreneurs develop a business and see it grow, the left-winged ideas they dreamt of in their youth have usually fizzled away. Time and experience teach them the futility of government programs designed to “help” the poor and less fortunate. They discover that the best way forward is…

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Christine Blasey Ford Party Girl
Posted in Fake News Feminazis Myths The Swamp

My Recovered Memory Rape by Ford, Pelosi and Schumer

Like everyone else, I watched in amazement as Democrats fabricated sexual assault charges against Brett Kavanaugh. They use this dirty trick every time they want to block someone, but the zany abandonment of the rule of law, in this case, was indeed Monty-Python-ish. When I watched Professor Christine Margaret Blasey Ford…

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The Boy Who Cried Wolf
Posted in Fake News Lies About Trump The Swamp

How Fake News Shows its Hand

Real liars exist, as do fools, and reporters have a time-honored technique for handling them. Studying that method unveils much about their treatment of Donald John Trump. You might assume they would deal with liars and dopey people as they do with Trump, by constantly harping about those traits daily,…

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