Posted in First Amendment Auditors

First Amendment Auditors Slowly Taming America

  Rights are like muscles. Without exercise, they deteriorate. Americans enjoy The Bill of Rights, but many of those rights are fading. Education is mostly to blame since most teachers are socialists who despise America. Echoing the Chinese Communist Party’s sentiments, they teach kids that the U.S. Founding Fathers were…

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Posted in Cultural Invasion First Amendment Auditors The Swamp

The Unseen Super Union of Public Servants

There was a time when public servants typically worked in separate fields, with minimal interaction outside of their required duties. They treated each person impartially; corruption was rare, and professionalism was the norm. Police would attend each call promptly as they came in, usually without bias. Judges were mostly free…

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First Amendment Auditors
Posted in Fake News First Amendment Auditors

Privatized, Male-Only Cops, and 1st Amendment Auditors

Hollywood and the media sometimes spotlight corrupt cops, but in most cases, they depict them as caring, sensitive warriors of justice. Any bad cops we see are always cast as exceptions to the rule. They are usually ugly, stupid, and greedy, to go with the cliche. Everyone was raised with…

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First Amendment Audit cartoon
Posted in Fake News First Amendment Auditors

First Amendment Auditors Have Replaced Reporters

There was a time when newspaper and TV reporters took risks to chase crooks, corrupt politicians, and con artists. As socialists infiltrated news organizations, those days gradually came to an end. Today, about ninety-five percent of the so-called American ‘news media’ write or broadcast political propaganda for the Democrats. Joined…

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