Posted in Cultural Invasion First Amendment Auditors The Swamp

The Unseen Super Union of Public Servants

There was a time when public servants typically worked in separate fields, with minimal interaction outside of their required duties. They treated each person impartially; corruption was rare, and professionalism was the norm. Police would attend each call promptly as they came in, usually without bias. Judges were mostly free…

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Monkey Trap – Republicans and their peanuts; guns and abortion
Posted in Cultural Invasion The Swamp War

How to Repair the GOP and Win in 2024

The United States is having an emergency, and when emergencies occur, we suspend normal behavior. Society expects many customs to be halted during disasters, and the disaster began when Democrats stole the election in 2020. To neutralize the danger, Republicans must respond unusually and put the rulebook aside. Democrats will…

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General Tojo's Revenge
Posted in Cultural Invasion Fake News Feminazis Racism

Why Lefties Knifed Dr. Seuss – Part II

Continuing my commentary from Part I, let us recount; when feather-brained Katie Ishizuka and her younger sidekick, balding Ramon Stephens, used any obtuse excuse to reduce Dr. Seuss, they did so for three reasons; to besmirch fair Melania Trump, gain credibility from academic apparatchiks, and redirect Dr. Seuss readers to…

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Cat in the hat versus Fake News
Posted in Cultural Invasion Fake News Feminazis Racism

Why Lefties Knifed Dr. Seuss – Part I

Liberals loved Dr. Seuss’s children’s books because the cartoonist and author, Theodor Suess Geisel, was one of them. He drew some cartoons in his youth, back in the early part of the 20th century, that became politically incorrect decades later. Still, the Left cared nothing about that until Melania Trump…

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Why is this caveman cartoon racist
Posted in Cultural Invasion Fake News Myths Racism

Democrats Believe Black Skin is a Handicap

Far-left Media, Unions, Democrats, Schools, Hollywood, Internet, & Publishers (MUDSHIP) believe that having black or brown skin is a handicap — the darker the skin, the bigger the handicap. The evidence for this is overwhelming, but let us start with something simple; cartoons. A great myth has evolved that cartoons…

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Twitter Vulture
Posted in Cultural Invasion Limo Libs The Swamp War

America – This IS what you Are

One of my favorite people, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, gave an excellent address on Voice of America yesterday. He bravely spoke of censorship, wokeness, political correctness, and how they all lead to “authoritarianism cloaked as moral righteousness.” After he pointed out this was happening with Twitter, Facebook, Apple, and…

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Ann Telnaes
Posted in Cultural Invasion Feminazis Lies About Trump

Ratty Ann Telnaes – Washington Post Ratoonist

Socialists generate lies and insults to defame their enemies using a method enshrined by Adolph Hitler’s propaganda minister, Joseph Goebbels. In 1940 he ordered the propaganda film Der ewige Jude (The Eternal Jew) to be made. The preposterous flop was a collection of lies and myths made by National Socialists…

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Don and Abe discuss Martial Law
Posted in Cultural Invasion Lies About Trump The Swamp War

2016-2020 Civil War – Why Martial Law is Crucial

I have defended Donald Trump since he first announced his candidacy for President against the Mount Everest-sized tsunami of lies launched at him by Democrats and their allies, the CCP, Fake News, Fake Colleges, and Fake Movies. I predicted his win seven and a half months before election day, 2016,…

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Russ Buettner, Susanne Craig, Mike McIntire, Joseph Pulitzer Caricature Cartoon
Posted in Cultural Invasion Lies About Trump Myths

Pulitzer Prize Propagandists Lie about Trump’s Taxes

Far Left propagandists at the New York Times were at it again last week, implying President Trump was paying little or no taxes. Two years ago, they cooked up a similar hit job before Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation as a Supreme Court justice and the mid-term elections. Two of the apparatchiks responsible for that…

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Democrats 2020
Posted in Cultural Invasion Feminazis Leftist DNA

Democrats Support & Encourage Legalized Theft

Millions of Democrats must be asking why their Party left them. “Why did they abandon the rule of law?” they wonder. “Why did they support looters and arsonists? Why did they think it was fine to attack black shopkeepers, homeowners, diners, and defenseless children?” The answer is genes. Nature designed…

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Comrad Meathead's Jinx
Posted in Cultural Invasion Lies About Trump Limo Libs

Meathead Rob Reiner’s Lifelong Jinx

Rob Reiner, or Meathead, as millions of Americans call him, recently passed his seventy-third birthday, yet even as a senior citizen, he devotes much of his time denouncing President Donald Trump. It is part of an ongoing battle Reiner has fought with conservatives for over half a century, but someone…

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Lady Liberty's Lament
Posted in Cultural Invasion Feminazis Myths

Lady Liberty Asks: What is Wrong with America?

Millions of Americans are asking, “What happened to our country?” It is supposed to be the land of the free, so why is half the population supporting Socialism, anarchy, and chaos? Just one lifetime ago, the average US citizen supported Truth, Justice, and the American Way. Now a large percentage…

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Tucker's Liberals
Posted in Cultural Invasion Myths Racism

Blacks, Gays, Hippies, Tucker Carlson, and Fake News

Commentators like Tucker Carlson and his guests often tout the view that Liberals have abandoned ideals they once championed regarding racism and equality. It does appear that today’s Democrats have forsaken such principles, but in fact, they had no such morals to ditch. Tucker gives them way too much credit,…

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Ron Howard
Posted in Cultural Invasion Leftist DNA Lies About Trump

Snarling Ron Howard Comes Out of his Shell

If you look at Ron Howard when he is snarling, you can see the socialist German in him. The 65-year-old actor/director’s first significant acting role was that of young Opie Taylor in The Andy Griffith Show, which aired from 1960 to 1968. Millions of Americans loved little Opie, the all-American…

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Brainwashing Factories
Posted in Cultural Invasion Feminazis Lies About Trump

Destroying Education – Democrats’ Fatal Mistake

What goes around comes around, and that is the lesson for Nancy Pelosi, Adam Schiff, and Jerry Nadler, who, in their younger years, encouraged Lefties to take over education. At the time, in their thirties, they would have seen nothing wrong with dumbing down students. Replacing English grammar, American history,…

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Jason Momoa
Posted in Biology Cultural Invasion Limo Libs Myths

Jason Momoa – An Anti-Plastic Snowflake

If you search online for the term ‘single-use plastic epidemic’ and scroll down, you will see many hysterical headlines and articles. Sound-bites like “We’re drowning in plastic” and “Plastic pollution” fill the internet. “Plastic is literally everywhere,” many Lefties holler, while others screech, “The plastic pollution epidemic is staggering!” One…

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Adam Schiff Cartoon
Posted in Cultural Invasion Lies About Trump Myths

Calling All Trumps to Bag the Schiff

If you throw enough Schiff, some of it will stick, Democrats hope, but bug-eyed Adam Schiff dribbles off Teflon-coated Trump, like water off a duck’s back. A puddle forms on the ground at Trump’s feet, which the POTUS gingerly steps over, while tweeting. As desperate Democrats demonize Trump with thin…

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Jazz Hands
Posted in Cultural Invasion Leftist DNA

Why Lefties Prefer Jazz Hands Over Clapping

There is often an evil motive for Leftist behavior, and lame excuses are made up routinely to explain it. One of their latest bizarre missions is to replace audience applause with silent ‘jazz hands,’ under the pretext that, “Some people are sensitive to noise.”   For those who missed this…

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Fake History
Posted in Cultural Invasion Limo Libs Myths

Two Centuries of Fake News

Since Donald Trump was elected, Americans learned that nearly all the political news they see is lying propaganda and disinformation designed to support the far-left socialist Democrat Party. Many think this is a new state of play, sparked by Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS), but in fact, it is a centuries-old…

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Greta Thunberg
Posted in Climate Change Cultural Invasion Myths

Swedish Greenies use Children to Lecture America

Fake News promotes teenage Swede Greta Thunberg as a magical goddess of innocence, a nubile Gaia Earth deity, straight from the supernatural spirit world, here to guide mortals in how to “save” their planet. The moon-faced adolescent is just another ill-informed vegan brat, brainwashed by hippy parents. Her mom and…

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Quentin Tarantino Time Magazine
Posted in Cultural Invasion Feminazis Limo Libs

Tarantino’s Terror – How the Left Cannibalizes Its Own

Socialists always begin with great enthusiasm and stick together like glue, but as their power increases, they turn on themselves, picking off those around them to remove competition. Socialists Stalin, Hitler, and Mao started with great zeal and much preaching about unity, before murdering or imprisoning many of their comrades,…

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Tribal sharing vs. capitalism
Posted in Biology Cultural Invasion Leftist DNA War

Why Tribal Sharing Clashes with Modern Society

Some human populations are inherently left-winged, and this stems from their relatively recent tribal life where it was understood that everything was to be shared. For instance, this accounts for Africa, a continent whose countries are a chocolate box of tin-hat tyrant communist dictatorships masquerading as democracies, run by gangs…

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The Squad
Posted in Cultural Invasion Feminazis Racism

Deport All Traitors, Starting With The Squad

Last Sunday President Donald Trump told ‘The Squad’ to go home, and Fake News began baying at the moon. Alexandria Cortez, Ilhan Omar, Ayanna Pressley, and Rashida Tlaib were the ‘four women of color’ who clashed with Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi recently. The POTUS tweeted: So interesting to see “Progressive” Democrat…

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Stephen Colbert
Posted in Cultural Invasion Fake News Lies About Trump Limo Libs War

Seth Meyers, Stephen Colbert – the Fourth Reich?

Conservatives find certain characters naturally repulsive, and these include, but are not limited to, creeping Jesuses like Seth Meyers, Stephen Colbert, Bill Maher, John Oliver, and Rachel Maddow. The average celebrity Lefty is pretty awful, but the above-mentioned have a penchant for sneering that curls wallpaper and makes beer go…

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Nancy Pelosi
Posted in Cultural Invasion Feminazis Lies About Trump

Disintegrating Nancy Pelosi

According to President Donald Trump, seventy-nine-year-old Nancy Pelosi is disintegrating, and as usual, he is right. The woman can barely talk legibly nowadays. Fake News keep this from the public as Pravda did when Soviet leaders began to deteriorate. Sources believe she conceals her wrinkles with facelifts and thick makeup…

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Erin Burnett
Posted in Cultural Invasion Feminazis Lies About Trump

Why is CNN’s Erin Burnett So Bad Mannered?

Donald Trump’s mother, Mary Anne MacLeod, was a Scottish Presbyterian, like her parents and grandparents. She married Fred Trump, an American with German Lutheran ancestry. They were both raised with the Protestant work ethic, which they handed on to Donald. His Scottish mother also taught him the importance of good…

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Brian Klaas - Washington Post
Posted in Cultural Invasion Lies About Trump

Washington Post Trolls Break World Stupidity Record

  Brian Klaas slanders Donald Trump endlessly on Twitter. He is a London troll – an ugly version of Rupert Grint playing a heroin addict with scurvy and dermatitis. He also writes for The Washington Post, re-hashing lies fabricated by Fake News ad nauseam. Klaas poses like a schoolboy saving…

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Brats vs Old days
Posted in Cultural Invasion Fake News Feminazis

End Child Abuse – Reinstate Discipline

Child discipline is essential to the proper functioning of not only families but tribes, societies, and nations. Therefore, it is no surprise it was one of the Fifth Column targets mentioned in my April 14 piece. To eat away an enemy nation from within, destroying families and dissolving the moral fiber…

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The Fifth Column
Posted in Cultural Invasion Fake News War

How the Fifth Column Almost Killed Western Democracy

Various 20th-century wars taught Communists that nation theft was very difficult while Western democracies were around to intercede. It was like trying to steal gold from Fort Knox. Even if you won, it would cost a fortune, making it unprofitable. The surest way to achieve world domination was through infiltration, not…

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Obama blackface
Posted in Cultural Invasion Fake News Myths Racism

Blackface Improved Black Lives

Blackface was initially used to improve the lives of blacks. Al Jolson was promoting blacks when he applied makeup and sang in their place. He wanted to show life from their point of view, and as a result, many white people were educated on the conditions blacks suffered. While most…

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