Category: Cultural Invasion
Businessmen Trump Tramps
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez not only looks like The Tramp; she thinks like him too. Charlie Chaplin was a fatherless English communist, born in 1889, raised in poverty, and though he hated America, he moved there anyway, to make money. A London child-laborer by nine, his syphilitic mother became psychotic and was…
Gender Morons, Genital Journalism and Soviet Amerika
There was a time when a journalist who wrote for a major newspaper was selected purely for their writing ability. Now a significant part of the selection process depends on what is in their underpants. Feminist rule-making bureaucrats are obsessed with vaginas and penises. Employers must hire a particular number of…
More British Socialists Writing News for Americans
Americans are reading anti-Trump propaganda written by socialist graduates of the University of Leeds, West Yorkshire, Northern England. David Smith is an English journalist, based in Washington, who writes for The Guardian. He graduated from the University of Leeds, like CNN hipster, Jack Guy. From 2010 to 2015 Smith was…
CNBC Producer’s Goofy Video on Walls
Decades ago, the Fifth Column turned schools and colleges into Dumbing Down Centers, so now young to middle-aged liberals no longer care about quality news. Nor do they mind who presents it or how experienced the reporters are. News Networks hire dim-bulbs and child-like adults to write news copy for…
Europe Taking Over United States News
There is not much biographical information about Kim Hjelmgaard online, except that he is based in Berlin or England, and writes for USA Today. He has traveled to Serbia, Croatia, Macedonia, Greece, Russia, and many other places in Europe. He took this photo of prisoners in Russia: Making some…
France – the Socialist Propaganda Factory
In our world, there are two main types of liberty. One that originated in Britain and spread to the United States, and one that was put together in France, and spread throughout Europe and the world. The former led to great things including the Industrial Revolution and the United States’…
The Left Launch All Out War Against Trump
After their sorry defeat at the Midterms, the left was expected to take a long look at itself in the mirror and do some soul searching, sack a few of its leaders, and adopt a new position, realizing its nothingburger approach failed. Instead, it decided to do the opposite and…
Racist Latin American Mob Invades U.S. for Welfare
Latin America, made up of Mexico, Central and South America, is trying to pull the United States down into a sea of Socialism and crime, like a drowning man clutching at straws. It has the United States by its gizzards and is yanking hard. Migration is nothing like it was….
Enemy of the People Bully Trump over Whitaker
Today Fake News continued bullying president Trump over his new acting attorney general, Matt Whitaker. They are frantic about the issue because Whitaker can take out Mueller without hurting the POTUS. He will be bullied and hassled to recuse himself from Mueller’s witch-hunt. We can see from this thuggish behavior how…
Why Fake News is Wrong to Defend Comrade Jim Acosta
At President Trump’s post-midterm election White House news conference yesterday, Abilio James “Jim” Acosta was up to his old tricks, and as usual, the media aired snippets of his tussle and took his side. Acosta, whose father was a Cuban refugee, was his usual rude self, hogging the microphone and…
Why the Midterms Were a Win for Donald Trump
Considering the handicap Trump had with Fake News on his back, it was clear that yesterday’s result was a fantastic victory. The Democrats and their colleagues CNN, The New York Times, The Washington Post, and all the usual suspects have been throwing nothingburgers at Trump every day since he entered…
HuffPost Shirish Date Has Girlish Hate for Trump
Today in the Huffington Post, Shirish Date lied about President Trump to sabotage his vote count at the midterm elections. It is part of an ongoing campaign of predictable and typical falsehoods by Fake News leading up to November 6. Shirish Date is a Bush and Trump basher with 30…
Why Democrats replace Hippies with Illegal Immigrants
Not long ago, Democrats and western liberal governments were as opposed to illegal immigration as conservatives. Lefties would not dream of importing semi-literate, third-world, welfare-seeking hoards. So why did Lefties in the U.S., U.K, Europe, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand become so enthusiastic about this very thing in the last…
Is NBC’s Political Reporter a Young Iranian/U.S. Bimbo?
When you see an NBC political article you assume it must be written by a mature reporter or columnist, and for many readers or viewers, this goes without saying. For decades political news or opinion was handled by adults with a good knowledge of the world, and many were older…
NPC Meme Shows the Left a Mirror They Hate
NPCs are non-player characters in games. They are background characters programmed to walk around but not participate. They have no opinions or roles other than to repeat the same actions and say the same things over and over. In other words, they are very similar to Lefties. Lefties have no…
What Caravan? It’s a MOB!
Dear Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity, Fox News, and Republicans, please. We love you, but enough with the “caravan” nonsense. What you have is an invading mob. The problem with conservatives is that we are too polite and the Left uses this against us. They take advantage of our courteous disposition,…
Democrats Want Honduran Invasion of Thugs & Thieves
Democrats and their cohorts, the New York Times, Washington Post, CNN, BBC, NBC, MSNBC, and all the other Fake News commentators, are encouraging a 14,000-member Honduran migrant invasion of the United States. The Migrant Attack, which includes Hondurans, Guatemalans, Africans, Mexicans, Arabs, criminals, rapists, murderers, and thieves, crossed the Mexican/Guatemalan…
Feminists, Sex Slavery and Midterm Elections
As we head toward the mid-term elections, we need to ask why there is any doubt about the results. Considering the disgraceful behavior of the Democrats since Trump became POTUS, you would assume there was no chance for them. In a civilized society, they would draw almost no votes at all,…
The Religious Left Occupy Most of the Planet
Although the Left refer to conservatives as “the Religious Right,” the Left is far more religious, both in the United States and the world. With their comrades in arms, Fake News, Democrats created a myth on this subject over decades, another example of their hypocrisy. Of the world’s 4.5 billion…
Feminazi Professors in Public Universities
Not satisfied with their attempt to destroy a SCOTUS and his family, the Left is now nominating their attack dog, Christine Blasey Ford, for a distinguished alumni award at her alma mater. Professor Jennifer Ho at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill recommended Ford, who was a student at the…
Reporters – Learn English before Reporting on Trump!
Donald Trump held a ceremonial swearing-in of SCOTUS Justice Brett Kavanaugh yesterday, during which he apologized to Brett and the entire Kavanaugh family for the terrible pain and suffering they had been forced to endure. The problem is that reporters could not report the facts because they did not understand…
PolitiFake and BuzzFeed Twist Trump’s Tweets
Lefty Liars twist nuances in the English language to accuse Trump of falsehoods and lies. Sometimes they do this in an obvious way; sometimes, more subtly. Quite often, people cannot be bothered sifting through the labyrinthine collection of accusations to uncover the truth. Many conservative talking heads find it too…
Nothingburgers and Schoolyard Bullies
There was always interference in American elections by many overseas nations. China, Russia, North Korea, and various other enemies have their spies, agents, moles, and organizations gathering information and helping Democrats win. It has existed since the Cold War and before for many decades. That is a given, but the…
Lefty Lies from the New York Times
Fake News reporters often use nuances in the English language to accuse Trump of lying. They get away with this because English is not the first language of millions of immigrants. Even second-generation immigrants may have problems with some English word meanings, which would apply to tens of millions of Americans….
Trump Sees Cheering Arabs on 9-11
Donald Trump said he saw thousands of Arabs on TV cheering in New Jersey after the attacks on September 11, 2001, as a twin tower came down. His words stirred up racially motivated Lefties and led to much poutrage, with millions of angry anti-white elites insisting Arabs would never do…