Category: Biology
Why Rachel Levine is Still a Man
In February, Joe Biden nominated Rachel Levine to be the Assistant Secretary for Health. Senator Rand Paul recently grilled Rachel Levine for promoting puberty-blocking drugs as beneficial to young children. Levine justified this by saying that some youngsters might not commit suicide during that period of their lives by taking…
Women Are Now Equal To Men
Feminists have been telling us that women are equal to men for more than a century and that they can do anything men can do and do better. “Men are inferior,” they insisted. “Women are superior! Women don’t create war! Women don’t murder! Only men mistreat children!” Feminists and…
Humans 1.0, Traffic Lights, & How Lefties Steal Elections
Five groups need to read this article: voters, reporters, public servants, students, and parents. Who knows, it could change your life, either now or sometime in the future. Modern humans are a subspecies of Homo sapiens, called Homo sapiens sapiens, and have not changed genetically for tens of thousands of…
Much panic over the COVID-19 pandemic exists, partly caused by government bureaucrats, media, and even medical folk. Communists and Fake News are the worst offenders, but good guys are also making mistakes and spreading misinformation. Though many are bewildered, frightened, losing sleep, or sinking into depression, there are reasons to…
Why Coronavirus Will Not Cause a Depression
We hear plenty of advice about Corona virus from media and governments, and despite their best efforts, panic reigns supreme. Millions still raid supermarkets to hoard toilet paper. Many worry about surviving physically and economically as COVID-19 makes its global rounds. There is much talk of another Great Depression, and…
Taylor Swift’s video ‘The Man’– 21 Stupid Mistakes
In her latest song video, ‘The Man,’ Taylor Swift’s apparent deep-seated anxieties and emotional torments were unveiled in a childish tirade against men. The art, direction, makeup, and choreography were clumsy, which weakened her attack fundamentally. If that were not enough, the song’s lyrics, written by Taylor and a New…
Extinction is Not a Dirty Word
Just as you cannot roll a heavy wooden wheel across the mud without leaving a track, so life cannot evolve without extinction. It is something even biologists need to learn. When I say learn, they already know enough to work it out but have snubbed the subject like jilted prom…
Jason Momoa – An Anti-Plastic Snowflake
If you search online for the term ‘single-use plastic epidemic’ and scroll down, you will see many hysterical headlines and articles. Sound-bites like “We’re drowning in plastic” and “Plastic pollution” fill the internet. “Plastic is literally everywhere,” many Lefties holler, while others screech, “The plastic pollution epidemic is staggering!” One…
The Honest Differences Between Men and Women
Last Monday Elizabeth Warren stood up at an NYC rally and proclaimed, “We’re not here because of men at all!” She was wearing glasses invented, designed, and made by men, and clothes manufactured by machines envisioned and built by the same. Her hair was cut using equipment devised and fabricated…
Why Tribal Sharing Clashes with Modern Society
Some human populations are inherently left-winged, and this stems from their relatively recent tribal life where it was understood that everything was to be shared. For instance, this accounts for Africa, a continent whose countries are a chocolate box of tin-hat tyrant communist dictatorships masquerading as democracies, run by gangs…
Why do Successful Women have Worthless Children?
Television is full of news about women accomplishing great things, but when you look at their children, they either do not exist or are usually not very good. Baby boomers with worthless kids palmed it off as ADD (attention deficit disorder), ADHD (childhood attention deficit hyperactivity disorder), or, in extreme…
The Abortion Inquisition
If I were a young man or woman today, I would find it difficult to know what to believe regarding abortion. Nobody could blame me for being confused since so many different arguments are being thrown around from the Right, the Left, religious folk, atheists, intellects, patriots, deadbeats, and everyone…
“Going Green” is a Lie and a Myth
The term going green is so familiar now that nobody seems to remember it was merely another lie generated by the Left. They created so many myths that some of them stuck. Thousands of government and business entities commonly use the ‘going green’ term. See a few examples here. When…
Indians Stole America, Not Whites
A hundred and thirty-six years ago, the word racialism meant ‘a political system advocating superiority and exclusive rights based on race.’ That word evolved into racism or racist, which today means ‘a belief that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race.’ Lefties now use those words to…
Legalizing Drugs Will Lower Crime & Help Border Wall
Illegal drugs are bad, but the crime created by outlawing them is worse.
The Left, from Microbes to Mafia
Most life is based on the maxim “Kill, take, and multiply,” whether microbes or mafia. Ants are not evil; they are machines, though studying them may send shivers up your spine. They work together as a unit and, in that respect, are similar to red and white blood cells in…
Why Democrats replace Hippies with Illegal Immigrants
Not long ago, Democrats and western liberal governments were as opposed to illegal immigration as conservatives. Lefties would not dream of importing semi-literate, third-world, welfare-seeking hoards. So why did Lefties in the U.S., U.K, Europe, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand become so enthusiastic about this very thing in the last…