Hunter Biden Meth Teeth
Posted in Limo Libs The Swamp

Build Back Better – the Great Marxist Reset

Joe Biden’s campaign motto, Build Back Better, has been used by many Champagne Socialists (Limo Libs), including Bill Clinton. The words are Far-Left Code for The Great Marxist Reset, featuring global warming, carbon taxes, redistribution of global wealth, anti-capitalism, and pro-China expansion. Donald Trump has often praised outsiders like Rowan…

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Wheel of Extinction
Posted in Biology Fake News Myths

Extinction is Not a Dirty Word

Just as you cannot roll a heavy wooden wheel across the mud without leaving a track, so life cannot evolve without extinction. It is something even biologists need to learn. When I say learn, they already know enough to work it out but have snubbed the subject like jilted prom…

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Bernie Sanders
Posted in Limo Libs Myths

Democrats’ Night of the Living Dead

Socialism died in 1991, with the expiry of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, but American Lefties believed it was only resting, like Monty Python’s dead parrot. As with the pet shop owner, they made multiple excuses, pretending that socialism was still breathing, while in fact, it was, to quote…

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Adolf, Joe and Karl
Posted in Climate Change Limo Libs Myths

Prince Charles, Karl Marx, and Donald Trump

Is there any doubt that Charles, Prince of Wales, is an embarrassment to his parents, Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, and Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II? Instead of marrying well to create a suitable future queen of the United Kingdom, he picked Lady Diana Spencer. Was she not an unmitigated…

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Vic Berger
Posted in Climate Change Lies About Trump Myths

English Hippies in Guatemala Write CNN News

As a hipster, CNN reporter Jack Guy, based in Guatemala, has the obligatory man bun, ear stud, and scruffy beard. His clothes are indistinguishable from those worn by San Franciscan sidewalk gremlins, and his Facebook photo features him flipping the bird. He earned a B.A. in French and History from…

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Ben Schreckinger
Posted in Climate Change Fake News Lies About Trump Myths

Fake News Tsunami with Midterms 15 Days Away

Since 2015 Fake News has been building a mountain of nothingburgers to sabotage Trump in 2016, and at the midterm elections November 6 – just 15 days away. Lefties recycle their lies, myths, and misinformation in a united Propaganda Tsunami aimed at Donald Trump. Each lie they create causes a hurricane…

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