Hunter Biden Meth Teeth
Posted in Limo Libs The Swamp

Build Back Better – the Great Marxist Reset

Joe Biden’s campaign motto, Build Back Better, has been used by many Champagne Socialists (Limo Libs), including Bill Clinton. The words are Far-Left Code for The Great Marxist Reset, featuring global warming, carbon taxes, redistribution of global wealth, anti-capitalism, and pro-China expansion. Donald Trump has often praised outsiders like Rowan…

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Stephen Colbert
Posted in Cultural Invasion Fake News Lies About Trump Limo Libs War

Seth Meyers, Stephen Colbert – the Fourth Reich?

Conservatives find certain characters naturally repulsive, and these include, but are not limited to, creeping Jesuses like Seth Meyers, Stephen Colbert, Bill Maher, John Oliver, and Rachel Maddow. The average celebrity Lefty is pretty awful, but the above-mentioned have a penchant for sneering that curls wallpaper and makes beer go…

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