Tag: Caricature
A Poverty of Intelligence Spanning 137 Years
When we sell a property, we reveal its worth at settlement through the principle of supply and demand, which determines the property’s value based on a buyer’s willingness to pay. However, Henry George, one of America’s earliest socialists, wanted the State to calculate property value and then govern what percentage of that…
Pulitzer Prize Propagandists Lie about Trump’s Taxes
Far Left propagandists at the New York Times were at it again last week, implying President Trump was paying little or no taxes. They cooked up a similar hit job two years ago, before Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation as a Supreme Court justice, and the mid-term elections. Two of the apparatchiks…
Democrats Support & Encourage Legalized Theft
Millions of Democrats must be asking why their Party left them. “Why did they abandon the rule of law?” they wonder. “Why did they support looters and arsonists? Why did they think it was fine to attack black shopkeepers, homeowners, diners, and defenseless children?” The answer is genes. Nature designed…
Calling All Trumps to Bag the Schiff
If you throw enough Schiff, some of it will stick, Democrats hope, but bug-eyed Adam Schiff dribbles off Teflon-coated Trump, like water off a duck’s back. A puddle forms on the ground at Trump’s feet, which the POTUS gingerly steps over, while tweeting. As desperate Democrats demonize Trump with thin…