Mark Zuckerberg's tutor
Posted in Lies About Trump Limo Libs

Why the Left Will Lose this Election

Big Tech despots like Sergey Brin, Mark Zuckerberg, and Jack Dorsey were thoroughly brainwashed in high school and college to be far Left fanatics. Most of their knowledge regarding computer coding, internet technology, and software was gained privately, in their bedrooms or basements. Learning how to hack and innovate in…

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Hillary Clinton
Posted in Feminazis

Why Hillary Will Probably Run Again In 2020

Conservative commentators have marveled about the lack of good Democratic candidates in the 2020 presidential primaries. They laugh at Biden’s ineptitude, Warren’s Peace pipe attempts, and Kamala Harris’ roasting by fellow apparatchiks for ‘past sins,’ yet none have considered that the clown show may be a planned distraction. Leftist ideologies…

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