Robert Mueller
Posted in Fake News Lies About Trump Myths

Jail For Robert Mueller?

President Donald Trump described Robert Mueller as a totally conflicted ‘Never Trumper’ who was angry after being refused a job as FBI Director. That would be a prime motive for Mueller to seek revenge and after being appointed ‘Special Prosecutor’ by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, he began an oft-described…

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Posted in Fake News Lies About Trump Myths

Saturday Night Dead

Who would have predicted that Saturday Night Live would end the year with another sneering attack on President Trump? This time they sprayed Leftist graffiti and TDS all over Frank Capra’s classic Christmas movie ‘It’s a Wonderful Life.’  Jimmy Stewart, who starred in the 1946 Christmas fantasy, would probably turn…

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Mueller interogating Sharon LaFraniere
Posted in Lies About Trump Myths

Robert Mueller, The NY Times and Hitler’s Big Lie

When you consider what Democrats are doing with Robert Mueller and Fake News, it is easy to believe they have been guided by National Socialists Adolf Hitler and Joseph Goebbels, who spoke of a Big Lie. The expression was coined by Hitler in his book Mein Kampf, about using a…

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