Sandy Cortez stuck on wind power
Posted in Climate Change Fake News Feminazis Myths

Sandy Cortez’s Monoliths to Stupidity

Like so many college simpletons, Sandy Cortez is married to the man-made Global Warming myth and its lead-balloon offspring; wind and solar power. The predictable fiasco in Texas this last week, when millions of Texans lost power thanks to wind turbines icing up, will not change Sandy’s mind. She has…

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Vic Berger
Posted in Climate Change Lies About Trump Myths

English Hippies in Guatemala Write CNN News

As a hipster, CNN reporter Jack Guy, based in Guatemala, has the obligatory man bun, ear stud, and scruffy beard. His clothes are indistinguishable from those worn by San Franciscan sidewalk gremlins, and his Facebook photo features him flipping the bird. He earned a B.A. in French and History from…

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